Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why Facebook Accounts are Hacked

Every day, hundreds of Facebook accounts get hacked by some person or other over the whole world. The hackers may be just out for fun or may be serious people who have a definite motive for hacking somebody else’s account. Hacking a Facebook account has become a very easy job because there seems to be a flaw in the security system of the social networking site.

No wonder that you may wake up someday and find that your Facebook account has been hacked by somebody and the password changed. You will not be able to access your Facebook account and may have to register again for another account. But what happens to your earlier account? Neither can you cannot close it down, nor can you use it and the account will be used over and over again by the hacker. 

The people out for some fun who hack Facebook may be just trying out some software that is advertised in the internet as the best tool for hacking a Facebook account. These people may seem harmless, but you might not be able to get your account back as the password might have been changed.

There are parents who are highly suspicious of their children’s activities on the internet and want to know more about what the children are doing. If you have a parent to whom you are not confiding anything then you may make them desperate enough to hack into your Facebook account to find out what information you are exchanging with your friends. This is again not so harmful if you have kept your conversation light. Parents always want the best for their children and may soon find out that there is nothing serious to worry about. They will stop hacking into your account and will leave you alone.

Similarly you might have a boyfriend or a girlfriend who wants to know what you are doing when he or she is not around. They might try to find out your opinion about them which you may be communicating to other friends over the Facebook account. This urge to know you more closely may prompt them to hack your account to see what you think about them. Though this action on the part of the hacker is harmless yet it might cause difficult situations in your relationships.

The popularity of Facebook as a social networking site has become so much that already there are millions of Facebook users all over the world. Each day, thousands of people communicate their ideas, thoughts, pictures, comments and other information over this social networking site. This has made Facebook a natural target for the marketing industry to find out what is going on around them.

This may cause the companies to hack into Facebook sites to determine what the perception is about various products in the market. This helps the companies determine which products are selling best and which are being rejected by the customers and need to be either withdrawn from the market or need to be upgraded.

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